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Homeowner's Grant Increase

Blog by Ian Watt | November 1st, 2006

Letter to the Editor of The Vancouver Sun
Re: Homeowner grant threshold to move up (January 11, 2006)

The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) applauds Minister Taylor’s proposal to raise the Home Owner Grant threshold from $685,000 to $780,000.

For years, the real estate profession has worked diligently to make home ownership more affordable for British Columbians. Since 2004, we have been pleased to see the government increase the Home Owner Grant threshold by more than 30 per cent in total, maintaining eligibility for 95 per cent of homeowners.

Despite all that has been accomplished, there is more to be done. BCREA encourages the provincial government to build on its latest proposal by allowing every homeowner in BC to receive the grant. Home ownership is the foundation on which citizens build their quality of life, and BCREA is committed to help ensure affordable housing options for all British Columbians.

On behalf of its 12 member real estate boards and their more than 15,000 REALTORS®, BCREA congratulates the provincial government on its proposal and looks forward to working together on housing issues in the future.

Dave Barclay, President
British Columbia Real Estate Association